
User privacy agreement

In order to facilitate you to log in, use related services, and provide you with a more personalized user experience and services, we may collect and use your related information when you use our services. We hope to use this privacy statement to explain to you how we collect, use, store and disclose your information when using the Absoloop Communication Cloud Service (collectively referred to as the "service"), as well as the access, update, and control we provide you And ways to protect this information. This privacy statement is closely related to the Absoloop Communication Cloud Service you use, and I hope you will read it carefully. Your use of our services means that you have agreed to our collection, use, storage and disclosure of your relevant information in accordance with this privacy statement, as well as the control and protection measures provided to you.

1. What personal information do we collect about you

As far as this policy is concerned, "personal information" refers to various information recorded electronically or in other ways that can identify a specific natural person alone or in combination with other information or reflect the activities of a natural person.

In order to provide you with services, ensure the normal operation of services, improve and optimize our services, and ensure account security, we will proactively collect personal information necessary to provide services from you. Absoloop Communication Cloud will collect the information that you actively provide, authorize to provide or use the service when you register and use the service in the following ways:

1.1 When you register an account:

When you register to use this service in your own name or on behalf of your company, you will provide us with your name, email address, contact number, and set your password. You can also choose to add other information to complete your account, such as uploading your photos. To complete the payment, we will also collect your bank account information.

1.2 When you use our products:

During your use of this service, we will collect the following information needed to provide continuous service and ensure service quality:

a. Information related to your device: your device type, device model, operating system information;

b. Information related to your network conditions: your IP address, signal strength information, network type;

c. Information related to your interaction with our products: user ID of the sender and receiver, channel information, duration of use, name and log set in the channel;

d. Your chat information: We provide corporate customers with communication cloud services and related supporting services. If you use our function as a terminal user of a corporate customer or use our Demo in the name of an individual user, we will realize the communication service function collects, transmits, and stores the text communication information and audio and video stream information generated during your use of the service. This information may include your personal information provided to us by you or/and the individuals interacting with you (including your Send text, pictures, audio, video, your images, sounds, portraits and the content you communicate);

e. When you use location services: your GPS location information, latitude and longitude will be collected;

1.3 When you make a service inquiry:

When you feedback service quality, apply for technical support, or feedback product optimization suggestions to us in the process of using our products, or when you submit an application, request, appeal, or complaint to us through our official website, email, or phone, we will collect you Your name, email address, mailing address, phone number, and the content of your application, request, appeal and complaint. In order to strengthen communication, if you actively provide it, we will also collect your WeChat account and QQ account.

1.4 When you apply for offline delivery:

In order to fulfill the contract, you will provide the necessary information such as contact person, contact information, address, etc.

2. How do we store this information

2.1 Where to store information

We will store personal information collected and generated in Singapore in accordance with laws and regulations.

2.2 Duration of information storage

Generally, we only retain your information during the period of providing services to you, and the retention time will not exceed the time necessary to meet the relevant purpose of use.

However, in the following circumstances, and only for the purposes related to the following circumstances, we may need to retain your information or part of it for a longer period of time:

• Comply with applicable laws and regulations and other relevant regulations.

• Comply with court judgments, rulings, or other legal procedures.

• Comply with the requirements of relevant government agencies or other competent agencies.

• We have reason to believe that we need to comply with relevant regulations such as laws and regulations.

• Purposes reasonably necessary for the implementation of relevant service agreements or this privacy statement, safeguarding public interests, handling complaints/disputes, and protecting the personal and property safety or legal rights of our customers, us or our affiliates, other users or employees.

3. How do we protect this information

3.1 We strive to provide protection for users' information security to prevent information loss, improper use, unauthorized access or disclosure.

3.2 We will use various security protection measures within a reasonable security level to ensure the security of information. For example, we will use security measures such as multiple server backups and password encryption to prevent information leakage, damage, and loss.

3.3 We have established strict management systems and procedures to ensure information security. For example, we strictly limit the scope of people who can access information, conduct audits, and require them to comply with confidentiality obligations.

3.4 In the event of personal information leakage and other security incidents, we will activate emergency plans to prevent the expansion of security incidents, report them in a timely manner in accordance with the "National Cybersecurity Incident Emergency Plan" and other relevant regulations, and notify you in the form of emails, push notifications, announcements, etc. situation and give you safety advice.

3.5 We attach importance to information security compliance work, and have passed many international and domestic security certifications, such as ISO 27018 public cloud personal information protection certification, network security level protection certification, ISO 27001 information security management system certification, etc., with advanced solutions in the industry Fully protect your information security.

We will do our best to protect your personal information. We also ask you to understand that no security measures can be impeccable.

4. How do we use this information

In order to provide you with more high-quality, convenient and safe services, we may use the collected information for the following purposes under the premise of complying with relevant laws and regulations:

• Provide you with services.

• Meet your individual needs. For example, language settings, location settings, personalized help services and instructions, or other responses to you and other users.

• Service optimization and development. For example, we will optimize our services based on the information generated by the Absoloop Communication Cloud System in response to your needs.

• Protect Absoloop Communication Cloud, Absoloop Communication Cloud users and Absoloop’s partners. For example, we will use your information for identity verification, security prevention, complaint handling, dispute coordination, fraud monitoring and other purposes. example

• Provide you with services that are more relevant to you. For example, to provide you with similar functions or services that may be of interest to you.

• Invite you to participate in surveys about our products and services.

• Other related scenarios that may require the use of the collected information. If the use scenario is not reasonably related to the initial scenario, we will re-obtain your consent before using the information.

5. Information sharing and external provision

We will not share your information with any irrelevant third parties, except in the following cases:

5.1 Obtain your explicit consent: With your prior consent, we may share your personal information with third parties;

5.2 In order to achieve the purpose of external processing, we may share your personal information with affiliated companies or other third-party partners (third-party service providers, contractors, agents, etc.) to allow them to follow our instructions, privacy policies and other Relevant confidentiality and security measures are used to process the above information for us, and to provide you with our services to achieve the purposes described in the "How We Use Information" section. If we share your information with any of the aforementioned third parties, we will work hard to ensure that the third parties comply with this statement and other appropriate confidentiality and security measures that we require them to comply with when using your information.

5.3 With the continuous development of our business, we and our affiliates may conduct mergers, acquisitions, asset transfers or similar transactions, and your information may be transferred as part of such transactions. We will comply with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations, notify you before the transfer, to ensure the confidentiality of the information at the time of the transfer, and continue to perform the corresponding responsibilities and obligations after the change.

5.4 We may also disclose your information for the following reasons:

• Comply with applicable laws and regulations and other relevant regulations.

• Comply with court judgments, rulings or other legal procedures.

• Comply with the requirements of relevant government agencies or other competent agencies.

• We have reason to believe that we need to comply with relevant regulations such as laws and regulations.

• Purposes reasonably necessary for the implementation of relevant service agreements or this privacy statement, safeguarding the public interest, handling complaints/disputes, and protecting the personal and property safety or legal rights of our customers, us or our affiliates, other users or employees.

• Circumstances legally authorized by you.

If we disclose your information due to the above reasons, we will promptly inform you on the basis of complying with relevant laws and regulations and this statement.

6. How do you access and manage personal information

6.1 You can access, modify and delete your relevant information in the process of using our services. The way you access, modify, and delete information will depend on the specific service you use.

6.2 If you find that we have collected and used your information in violation of laws and regulations or agreed by both parties, you can ask us to delete it. If you find that the information we have collected and stored about you is wrong and cannot correct it yourself, you can also ask us to correct it.

6.3 When accessing, modifying and deleting relevant information, we may require you to verify your identity to ensure account security. Please understand that due to technical limitations and legal requirements, some of your requests may not be responded to.

6.4 Due to legitimate reasons such as legal and regulatory requirements and ensuring information security, some of your information may not be accessible, modified, or deleted.

6.5 You can choose to withdraw your consent to the processing of your information for certain non-basic functions or services, and you can choose to cancel your Absoloop Communication Cloud account by contacting customer service.

6.6 If you have any questions about the realization of the above rights, you can contact us according to the relevant contact information in "8. Contact Us".

7. Changes to this Privacy Guidelines

We may revise the terms of this privacy statement in due course, and such revisions form part of this "Privacy Statement". If it may cause your rights under this privacy statement to substantially reduce or expand the scope of collection and use of information and other important rules changes, we will notify you in a prominent position on the homepage or send you an email or other means before the amendment takes effect. inform you. In this case, if you continue to use our services, you agree to be bound by this revised privacy statement.

8. Contact us

If you have any questions or suggestions about these terms of service or need to contact us for other things, please send an email to:

Apply for trial

After submission, we will contact you as soon as possible for a functional demonstration
